53/100 “So-mi” songs – Leo the Lion

I have updated the ukulele page with some more simple songs, using Am7 (open strings), C chord, and F chord, but, looking back, I haven’t published the notation for these songs before.

So here are a few posts to get the notation up.

I use a small soft toy for this game (my colleague used a stuffed lion). So, it can be Dilly the Dog, Larry the Lamb, Billy the badger, and once, but never again, Dilly the Duck.

Here’s the song:

Leo the Lion


And here’s how you play the game:

feeding the lions

It starts with one person/child holding the hungry animal.

The class sings “Leo the Lion, what do you say, who would you like to eat today?”

Whoever has got the animal sings the name of the person they choose “I’d like Lucy”

The class then sings “How would you like to eat her?”

And the person with the animal replies “On a pizza”

And the class sings “Yum yum yum” while the animal gets passed (thrown!) to Lucy. Off we go again.

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